Ahlaya Martin's Portfolio
About Ahlaya Martin
As a dedicated student in Louisiana State
University’s College of Humanities & Social Sciences,
I’m working toward a B.S. in Psychology with
aspirations to become a Psychiatric Nurse
Practitioner. Growing up in San Francisco, California
I developed a deep commitment to social justice,
mental health advocacy, and policy reform. This
passion fuels my academic and career goals, shaping
a path focused on improving mental health
resources and championing change in healthcare
"Ahlaya is a great student
who is driven and
determined to succeed in
her chosen field of
Psychology. Ahlaya is a
mature, talented, social,
and determined young
woman. From the
beginning of her time here
at LSU she has expressed her
desire to work towards a
goal of understanding and
changing the conditions of
underrepresented peoples.
She will succeed, I have no
“En la clase que tuvimos
este pasado verano, Ahlaya
demostró tener gran
habilidad en el español.
También habló de las cosas
que le parecieron buenas en
su última clase, lo cual
muestra que tiene un
compromiso activo con sus
cursos de español en
general. En mi clase, ella
siempre participó mucho y
se preocupó por cumplir
con todas las tareas. Ahlaya
es sin duda una estudiante
comprometida y
“It has been a joy getting to know Ahlaya.
As a student I originally met in an online
asynchronous elective, Ahlaya has gone
above and beyond to establish a
meaningful connection with me as her
faculty advisor for the Distinguished
Communicator Medal. In my conversations
with Ahlaya, it is evident she is extremely
intentional and self-aware in developing
her academic, engagement, and advocacy
skills. I appreciate her sincerity and
commitment to community engagement
and advocacy within the LSU community
and broader Baton Rouge. Ahlaya is an
asset to our community, and I am
confident she will be an asset in any
graduate program, organization, or
profession lucky to have her on their team.
Erin Halloran , PhD
Rector, Humanities and Social Sciences Residential College
Instructor in Interdisciplinary Studies
Louisiana State University
Joaquin Tapia Guerra
Spanish 2101 Instructor
Hispanic Studies Graduate Assistant
Ashleigh R. Borgmeyer, PhD, LCSW-BACS
Assistant Professor of Professional Practice
School of Social Work
Louisiana State University